Saturday, June 18, 2011

You'll feel like a Skinny Cow and not a Fat pig!

It's hard when you are a college student to maintain your weight......'Okay... it's been hard for me... to maintain my weight since I started back to school last fall.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner has been a challenge, I don't have time to cook healthy low caloric meals in between school and homework....So this is where quick snacks come into play. I only had time one morning on the way to class to grab a candy i stopped at my local Kroger's to get one. A reese's peanut buttercup is what I had in mind but I came across a new candy bar and was curious to try it.

Skinny Cow, were the first two words that caught my eye, followed by Heavenly Crisp. They were on sale 2 for a $1.00 so I got two. " Skinny Cow Heavnly Crisp is a chocolate wafer like candy bar with a rich chocolate taste. It is very, very light, and practically melts in your mouth. I liked the texture, crispy.. just like they stated, and a fudge like chocolate flavor. "Mmmmm". ..But what makes this candy bar an even bigger plus, is that it is only 110 calories!

It taste delicious and it's low in calories, I can't state that about many low caloric goodies out there..BUt I can tell you that I feel more like a 'Skinny Cow and less like a fat pig! when I eat one, or two... The only minus is that the candy bar is soooo... Skinnnnnnny, one has to have at least two, to get the full effect...Maybe however there is a reason for it's skinniness.... " Okay I'm sounding more like a pig...Mooo-oink.
But don't take my word for it... try it.

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